Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Reminders

First and foremost we ask that you DO NOT park in or block the circle area in front of the school by
the flagpoles for any reason. This is a FIRE LANE and should be left open and free of congestion at
all times!

We also ask that you DO NOT park in the drop-off/pick-up area on the north side of the Fellowship
Hall for any reason. This is for cars moving through to drop-off or pick-up students only. It is not a
place to park and make your calls, emails, etc. If you need to come into the school or you
choose to come up to meet your child as they get out of school—please park in one the many
parking spaces available on campus.

Between the hours of 7:30 AM and 8:15 AM and again from 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM the Harbison
Drive entrance becomes ONE WAY ONLY! Please DO NOT exit onto Harbison Drive as it causes
a backup with those trying to turn in. Please drive around and exit onto Ulatis Drive ONLY.

PLEASE exercise courtesy and patience with each other. Remember that our children learn
from our example.

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